The Bicycle Thief
"I can sell anything, I can sell stink off shit and a hump off a camel"

Coming up to a mass pile of bikes, we talked to a bike rider that also doubled as this downtown hotels bike watchman, he claims to charge $10 a night to protect them from theft. Seeing as he also doubles as the main bike thief in the area, he gave very detailed descriptions on how to break various locks, which he classifies as "stupid vs good" locks. He gets requests for bikes, usually a Schwinn or Mongoose, and then he tries to track one down. He says he can sell anything but that lately the police have been cracking down on bike sales, asking for sales receipts and paperwork. Though he takes bikes he still finds it wrong that up to 20 bikes will be chained up to one street light, he thinks the city should install proper bike racks on the street. He's had his own bike stolen once, when he left it in a car that got towed. His worst experience was ending up in jail for an arrest warrant when the police caught him riding against the flow of traffic. "The city needs to put some bike racks down here!"
