Leo Limon
"Problems riding my bike? The xochitlquetazales, the
beautiful women walking down the street, turn to look and
Often spotted biking around Lincoln Heights
or headed to his favorite eatery La Abeja, artist Leo Limon has
equipped his "mutant bike" to fit his needs. His bike is a
mixture of stock parts, some he bought from the sycamore park winos,
and customized pieces, most notably a paint tray instead of a typical
rack over the rear wheel, much more convenient for this mobile
muralist. Though he's had his bike stolen 4 times, he still uses it
as his primary means of transportation. Leo was the only rider we
interviewed that used a bike helmet. His favorite aspect of riding is
"the feel of the wind, the freedom, the feeling of flying".
Leo encourages us to "save the future, ride a bike" and
finishes with "pump your bike, not gas!