Blue Bianchi

"Si la gente usaria sus bicicletas mas no estariamos en guerra con Iraq"

Jorge has been riding bicycles for a long time.  After his previous bike was stolen 4 months ago, he bought his Bianchi from La Segunda for $5, though it needed some minor repairs.  Living in Pico-Union and not having a Drivers license, his bike is his main mode of transport, but he doesn't use it to get to his Jornalero job in Hollywood. When he lived in Mexico his primary forms of transportation were a bicycle and a burro, but he adds that riding a burro in the U.S. wouldn't be practical, "too much shit". He likes riding because it helps get rid of "contaminacion" and thinks that "people should use bikes more in all the world." His biggest obstacle are the cars that don't pay attention to him. Concerned that the need for oil was driving the war in Iraq, he suggested that biking was a way to combat "selfish Capitalism". He declined to be photographed, stating in English, "I don't want to be famous."
