Doodler's International!
Paul Petard and MocoLoco present an exhibit of doodles, drawings, woodcuts, and other odds and ends that will surely inspire our pursuit for social change. Faces, figurines, and cartoons, many with an underlying message of social Rebellion, will share space with some paper where you can place your own doodles of revolutionary intent! Come and meet the artists.
Paul Petard is a London based cartoonist and had been published in many zines and books, including his own (now defunct) Armchair and currently in The Whinger. Here's a sample:
MocoLoco is a Los Angeles based woodcut artist also known for his doodling talents. He has been published in Anarchy magazine, Killing King Abacus, and Willful Disobedience. Here are some samples:
Saturday November 3, 2001
At Flor y Canto Centro Comunitario
Art without the snobby attitude.