The Farce of July

Friday, July 4, 2003
12:00PM to 10:00PM


Featuring the best of the LA's and the Chican@ music scenes indie groups!

Join us in honoring centuries of resistance to colonization and affirmation of our culture...on this Farce of July!

Are you really in-dependent? Find out with an amazing Edu-tainment (educational and entertaining) line up

Featuring...A multi-media benefit concert with music, art, theater, poetry, film, speakers, vendor and much more!

Music by Slowrider, members of Quinto Sol (pictured), Ollin, Conjunto Los Pochos, La Paz, Cipher 7, Cihuatl Tonali, Xololanxinxo, El Vuh, N'Cognito, Lost Identity, Upground

Teatro by ChUSMA, Chicano Secret Service, Tatalejos, EARTH

Spoken Word by In Lak Ech, Balagtasan Collective, Lili Ramirez, Zenaida, Mixpe, Tezozomoc

Film by XRF, Womyn Image Makers and more..

Dance by Flamenco Azul and Aztec dancers

At: Casa del Mexicano
2900 Calle Pedro Infante
East Los Angeles
Discount: Presale tickets available

Ages: all ages!
(818) 898-3101