Film Night hosted by I.W.W.
Friday August 9, 2002 at 7pm "Land and Freedom"
The Spanish Revolution of 1936 was an extraordinary time in history. Millions of workers took up arms against the fascist forces of Franco while at the same time building a new society without bosses, based on workers' cooperation.
"Land and Freedom" is a film by Ken Loach that tells the story of a British worker who travels to Spain to join the fight against fascism. He sees the great potential of the revolution as people begin to improve their lives through direct worker control of industry and agriculture. Finally he experiences the tragic betrayal of the revolution by the opportunistic leaders of the communist movement.
The film showing at Flor y Canto is hosted by the Los Angeles branch of the Industrial Workers of the World. The IWW is a democratic union open to all workers. We are dedicating to organizing on the job and in our communities for better conditions today and to build a world without bosses where production is organized to meet the needs of everyone.
IWW PO Box 91691, Pasadena, CA 91109 (626) 644-1973