Local Links
Here's a list of links to places, groups, or events that are local or relevant to the neighborhood. Or possibly just inspiring to us!
Local Places -if you plan to visit our area and want to know what else is around.
IMIX Bookstore 5052 Eagle Rock Blvd (323) 257-2512 a new bookstore in nearby Eagle Rock, awesome selection of Latino/Chicano themed books.
33 1/3 Books (213)483-3500 1200 N. Alvarado St. in Echo Park Local book and magazine shop with great selection of stuff and many radical books, be sure to check them out.
Rock Rose Gallery & Arroyo Books 4108 N. Figueroa Ave. (323)222-4740
Alisal-Lummis Home 200
E. Avenue 43 (323)222-0546
Great gardens and extraordinary historical house, free!
Mudpuppy Cafe 4219 N. Figueroa St 323-223-4500 New local coffee shop for your caffeine needs! Also offer some vegetarian food options and vegan drinks.
Greater Los Angeles -Stuff in LA but not necessarily around here
CyberTeca 4020 E. Slauson Ave. Maywood (323)560-3964 Computer training center that reaches out to the community
in Action
1919 W. 7th St. (4th Floor) (213)483-3504
great meeting/social space for a variety of political and cultural
events in the
McArthur Park area.
UPDATE The space has sadly closed down due
to a costly rent increase, hope we're not next.
Virtual Community -Links to online projects
www.killradio.org Internet Radio site with a wide variety of shows
LA Indymedia Center Great site for news and updates of the political side of LA
Anarchists email list discussion
list for and by LA Anarchists
Other Projects Of Interest
Razorcake is
an always
interesting, locally made punk magazine, check it out!
The Gaian-Mind new
alternative space in Long Beach, with gardens, potlucks, and lots of
Culture a
great band with much heart, Tribal Grind for social change!
Gorsky Press is
an LA
based publisher of fine literature, it don't get no finer, entiendes?
Orange County based website
trying to link up So.Cal radicals.
Wind Community A communal
environment in Missouri, beloved by our departed supporter Disco
Together Books 1369
Haight Street San Francisco
(415)431-8355 Great example for everyone!
www.akpress.org Online radical bookseller
kersplebedeb.com Cool distro of literature, buttons, and shirts