Please join us for a talk by Peter Hudis

on Wednesday March 16th 2005 at 7 PM.

He will be discussing his recent trip to the World Social Forum in Brazil. Light refreshments will be served

"The Future of the Movement Against Global Capital: An in-Person Report on the World Social Forum in Brazil."

Biography: Peter Hudis is co-editor (with Kevin B. Anderson) of "The Rosa Luxemburg Reader" (Monthly Review Books, 2004) and "The Power of Negativity: Selected Writings on the Dialectic in Hegel and Marx" (Lexington Books, 2004). He has published on social theory, philosophy, and politics in a variety of journals. His most essays are: "Marx Among the Moslems" (in "Capitalism, Nature, Socialism", 2004) "The Death of the Death of the Subject" (in "Historical Materialism," 2005), "Acheh: The Social Form of 'Natural Disaster'" (in "Politics and Culture," 2005) and "The Philosophic Ambiguities of C.L.R. James" (in "Socialism and Democracy," 2005). He teaches philosophy at Oakton Community College in Illinois and is a member of the national editorial board of News & Letters.