Sunday Night Reading Series

November 9th 7pm

From Sean's email:

I've got three readers scheduled. The first is Jim "Money" Ruland, a Razorcake 
columnist and a really entertaining reader (he's got a web site at
The second reader is Mike McGowan. He's the editor of  an underground literary journal called Hobart (you can check him out at And the third reader is Gabe Hart, the lead singer of  the Starvations. It should be fun. I've set up the reading for 7:00, but 
I was planning on going in early that day, opening Flor y Canto sometime 
around 2:00 in the afternoon and keeping it open through the reading.

September 7th 7pm
The folks from Razorcake Magazine and Gorsky Press are starting up a 
monthly reading series at Flor y Canto. The first one will be this Sunday, 
Sept. 7, at 7:00. The readers will be Kiyoshi Nakazawa -- the ultimate 
comic book fighting champ and the mind and muscle behind Drunken Master 2; 
Bradley Williams -- the ultimate gizzard eating champion and Razorcake 
online columnist; Felizon Vidad -- the trash talking tough girl 
representing Razorcake HQ; and the notorious Jimmy Alvarado, veteran of 
legendary East LA punk bands Butt Acne, Our Band Sucks, and Black Jax and 
longtime punk journalist for rags like Flipside and Razorcake.

It promises to be a fun evening. Bring beer (if you want) and leave your 
pretensions at home. Heckling is welcome. Punch and Pie.